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发表于 2007-7-7 00:40:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

作品:Sonata for flute 'Undine' op.167
长笛:Emmanuel Pahud
钢琴:Eric le Sage
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发表于 2007-7-11 15:56:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-12 15:41:14 | 只看该作者
谢谢你的通知, tracy
发表于 2007-7-12 15:44:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-12 17:55:51 | 只看该作者




作曲家赖内克Carl Reinecke所有的作品之中以'Undine - 水女神'最为出色和出名. Undine - 水女神 是根据古老同名神話而写的奏鸣曲, 它有四个乐章

1.allegro 快板

2.Intermezzo allegretto vivace piulento,quasi andante,allegretto vivace 活泼的小快板,弱,慢,近乎行板,生机勃勃的小快板

3.andante tranquillo moleovivace 安静的行板,十分活泼的

4.Finale, allegro molto agitato ed appassionato, quasi presto 激动、热情的快板,近乎急板

水女神奏鸣曲的目的並不是想把整个古老故事说出來, 而是想用不同的和不断改变的长笛音色,起伏,裝飾音和长笛与钢琴之間的对唱來表達故事中人物的感受和情感.

古老的故事大約是这樣子的: Undine(安汀)是水底世界里的一个很有权力的王子的女兒,她出生時美丽漂亮,她爸爸很喜欢她並想她成为永遠不死的水女神,她爸爸知道要達成这只有令她得到一个凡人的真愛,于是她爸爸巧巧地把一对漁民夫婦刚出生的女兒換掉,让Undine变成他們的女兒,並指派Undine的叔叔Kuhleborn(水使者)暗中看住她的成长,而漁民夫婦刚出生的女兒Berthalda则被丟在很遠的海边,后來被一对贵族夫婦收養成为贵族千金小姐. 很多年之后, Huldebrand - 一个年轻的骑士愛上了这千金小姐Berthalda,並向她求愛. 但Kuhleborn(水使者)故意安排Huldebrand(年轻的骑士)來漁民的漁村,他见到比他未婚妻更漂亮的Undine(安汀-將來的女水神),马上深深地愛上了她,並立刻和Undine在当地結了婚並帶Undine回他的骑士城堡居住, 千金小姐Berthalda知道后很伤心,但沒有办法只好接受,並和Undine成为好朋友,Undine並且接她到城堡來居住. 一段時間之后, 骑士对Undine失去了兴趣,又開始对城堡里的千金小姐Berthalda有兴趣, 並有点看不起Undine的出身,經常对Undine发脾气等等, Undine伤心过度離開,回到水世界,走的時候Undine告誡她老公不要变心,不然他就会死!


而Trevor Wye大師写的是: -

(这是英国长笛教育大師/北方英皇音院教授/英国长笛会长Trevor Wye写的Reinecke Sonata<水女神-undine>每个乐章背后的簡单故事

1st MOVEMENT: A 'water spirit', by name, Undine, who is the Daughter of the King of the Sea [Neptune?], is more lovely than any earthling - and longer lived. It is possible for her to become immortal if only she could marry a mortal. The opening themes show the height and depth of water with cascades, waves and fluid motion. The falling phrase shows Undine's strong desire to unite with a mortal...and her quick changes of mood! The grace notes, and tremolos are splashes and movement of water.

第1乐章: 一个水精灵, 叫Undine(安汀), 她是海皇的女兒, 比地面上任何女子都漂亮. 如果她可以和凡人結婚,她將得到永生(成为水女神). 開始的主題是一连串上下起伏的波濤,显示出大浪和海水的動作. 下降的乐句代表了Undine的強烈欲望想和凡人結为夫妻...也显示了她容易改变的心情! 那些倚音和顫音其实是浪花和水的抖動.

2nd MOVEMENT: Intermezzo: Undine leaves the sea to fulfil her desire for immortality and to search for a mate. She is discovered on the sea shore by a fisherman and his wife, who take her home and raise her like their own daughter. They find her rather odd, though - often naughty and with quick changes of mood. A passing handsome knight, Huldebrand, sees her and falls in love with her, though he is already engaged to a courtly lady. Undine's unpredictable capricious nature is illustrated by the mocking jumpy opening and, in the vivace - by the angry response by the old couple to her behaviour. The slow gentle melody illustrates the pure and virginal love that Undine has for Huldebrand.

第2乐章: 插曲: Undine为了完成她的心願,離開海洋去找她的另一半. 在岸边,她被漁民老夫婦救起,並收養了她,当她親女兒. 但漁民老夫婦发現她长大后很古怪,經常很淘气和心情經常改变(变幻莫測). 一个經过的骑士Huldebrand, 看上了她,並爱上了她,雖然他已有个溫文儒雅的未婚妻. Undine善變,任性,和变幻莫測的本性 - 由乐章中的嘲弄的和跳動的開头表現了出來. 而Vivace活跃的句子就代表了漁民老夫婦对Undine这些古怪行为的憤怒指責. 那些慢,弱近乎行板的旋律就代表了Undine对她新丈夫Huldebrand的純诘和初戀的愛.

3rd MOVEMENT: On her wedding night Undine confesses to her husband that she is a 'spirit' and thanks him for marrying her and offers to free him now that she has her immortal soul. But he swears undying love for her and then begins a tender love dialogue between them - the duet between piano and flute. Huldebrand introduces her to the Court where she is thought to be 'different'. Huldebrand's scheming, arrogant ex-fiance enters and Undine chooses her as her best friend! Undine's uncle appears to her one night to wish her well but warns her that the proud Water Spirits will suffer no insult to her: she will be taken by them back to the sea. Also he gives a warning - should Huldebrand prove unfaithful, only his death will satisfy the spirits' vengeance. [Threats appear in the Molto Vivace section].

第3乐章: 在她新婚之夜, Undine向她丈夫承认她其实是水精灵, 她感謝他肯娶她为妻, 她已成为了永生不死的水女神, 她說她可以離開了, 骑士也可以離開她. 但骑士发誓很愛她,永遠会陪住她一起. 一段愛的对话(乐章)開始了 - 是段钢琴和长笛的对话. 骑士Huldebrand帶Undine回宮廷, 但宮廷里的人覺得Undine很'不同',都歧視她, 骑士之前的自大的未婚妻,有阴謀地來到, 和Undine友好, Undine选择和她成为好朋友了! Undine的叔叔(水使者)在某个晚上來見Undine,祝她幸福,並且警告她水世界要她回去,不能让她在凡間逗留. 同時警告說,如果她的骑士丈夫Huldebrand有天变心或不忠的话, 水世界的精灵会令他死去的 - 这段威脅/警告的气紛在Molto Vivace'極活跃'的乐段中显示了出來.

4th MOVEMENT: - Finale: Huldebrand isn't able to settle down to married life with his strange wife and is drawn back to his former fiance - and begins to mistreat his wife. Whilst on holiday in a boat, Huldebrand and Undine have a row and Undine - furious - jumps into the sea. Huldebrand is desolate and turns to his former fiancee for solace who comforts him and agrees to marry him. On their wedding day, Undine appears before him weeping and kisses him to exact the penalty sworn by the Water Spirits... and so claims his life. At his funeral, a shadowy weeping figure appears and joins the mourners. After he is buried, the figure disappears and in her place appears a spring of water from which two streams emerge to encircle the grave in an endless loving embrace.

第4乐章: 終結曲: 骑士Huldebrandand終于不甘現狀, 也无法忍受妻子Undine的古怪行为, 開始移情于他的前任未婚妻, 同時開始对Undine很不好(可能打骂吧). 有天,两夫妻Huldebrand和Undine去海边度假,一起划船時, Undine憤怒地跳入海中,回到水中世界. 骑士Huldebrand覺得孤寂,回到前任未婚妻的身边,未婚妻安慰和慰藉她,並同意和他結婚. 在他們的婚礼那天, Undine突然出現了在骑士面前,哭泣並且亲吻他,令他马上死去,完成了水精灵世界的規矩... 在骑士的葬礼中, 一个哭泣的影子出現在人群之中. 在骑士埋葬之后, 这影子消失了. 在墳墓上方的小山突然流下两條小溪泉,在墳墓旁边溶合一起成为一团溪水,永遠围绕住墳墓流去,代表了他們永恆的愛,拥抱在一起.
发表于 2007-7-12 18:08:15 | 只看该作者
是啊,tracyflute。  如果有人可上载给youtube给全世界人看就好了。
发表于 2007-7-12 18:43:12 | 只看该作者
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