1992啟蒙於小號演奏家父親Max Sommerhalder
1996-2004與父親Max Sommerhalder在德國戴特蒙音樂院學習
2003莫利斯安德烈小號比賽(The Maurice André Competition)第二獎
2004畢業於義大利威爾第音樂院與Puerluigi Salvi
曾受教於Hans Gansch、Maurice André、Eric Aubier、Stephen Burns、Edward Carroll
、Pierr Thibaud等國際小號大師。
Lake placid義大利藝文獎學金 (The Lake Placid Institute for the Arts and Humanities)
Interlochen USA藝文獎 (The Interlochen Center for the Arts in the U.S.A)
漢堡時報基金藝文獎 (The ZEIT Foundation in Hamburg)
慕尼黑國際大賽第二獎 (The A.R.D. International Music Competition in Munich)
莫利斯安德烈小號比賽(The Maurice André Competition)第二獎(當屆首獎從缺)
布拉格之春音樂大賽 (The Prague Spring Music Competition)
堤默菲‧多克希哲大賽 (The Timofei Dokshitzer Competition in Vilnius)
柴可夫斯基音樂院小號大賽 (The Trumpet Competition at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatorium)
布拉格小號協奏曲大賽 (The Concertino Praga competition )
慕尼黑歐洲文化獎 (European Cultural Awards in Munich 1999)
柏林歐洲文化獎 (European Cultural Awards in Berlin 2002)